
Monday 21 January 2013

Quilling Classes Jan 2013 - Man Power!

We had two adult beginner quilling classes in January, one conducted in Mandarin and another in English to cater for different needs of students. Surprisingly, this time round I have male students in both classes - which is a great sign!

The first class was held on new year day! Yes, we started quilling right on the first day of 2013! We had 5 students for the class (including a guy) - the number is just nice for the lesson so that I could pay attention to every students.

The fundamentals

Spot the only guy? He is as good as (or even better) than the girls.

Students' work

The second class was held on a Saturday afternoon, on the 12th. This time we had 4 students, majority being men! To date, I have had 6 male students after conducting six adult classes (8 if you count the 2 boys in my kids fun quilling class!). And among these students, three are crafters who have had previous experience with quilling. So I decided to come up with a new project pattern to suit their need. (If you are interested with the pattern, click HERE)

Who says man doesn't quill?

See? I can quill!

Students' quill work

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