Monday 25 June 2012

Summer Quilling Class

We had an adult's beginner class last night. It was not in my plan and sort of a 'last-minute' class that I'm not in time to do any announcement here on the blog. I had 3 students for this class: PS and PC who are sisters, and also V, their cousin, and they do handmade cards too. Thanks to PS who initiated it. I myself was actually having a hectic week and am a bit stressed out but thanks to these lovely ladies, I managed to have fun. Crafting is relaxing!

Introducing the ladies
PS working on her coils
V working with her purple nails
That's PC with her coils
They said it felt like coming for a tuition class but this was more fun, haha! Yep, time passes real fast when you are doing something that you really enjoy.

PS deciding the colours for her petals
PC working on her 'autumn theme' project
By the way, did I mention that PS and PC are twins? It actually took me some time to realize this as they were sitting each on my left and right. Haha!

V working carefully to assemble her pieces

We worked on a simple flower pattern for their mini-project, but look what these ladies manage to come up with:

Quilling is sure a wonderful art!

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Thank you for visiting us. Have fun with quilling!^^